Support to the Legislative Assembly in Liberia
9th European Development Fund (EDF)
Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAF)
March 13, 2006
Background information on the National Legislature Senior Staff Workshop
During past administrations, Legislative staff were employed without the requisite training, and placed into positions for which they had minimal or no training.
Additionally, these personnel were hired based solely on contacts and family relationships, among others. As a consequence of this trend of hiring personnel, inefficiencies, due to the lack of knowledge of basic administration administrative procedures and processes, came into play rendering most of the offices in which these staffs were employed dysfunctional.
This prevalent behavior has permeated nearly every fabric of the public and private sector and the National Legislature is no exception. Assuming competence and acquisition of basic skills will be the order of the day during this administration, there must be change in the level of expertise and work attitude in the National Legislature if is to function properly.
It is against this background that the Steering Committee has instructed the project management to conduct a three day training of trainers workshop for Senor Administrative staff of the National Legislature, under the Theme’’ Building an Efficient Skills through Procedures and Technique.’’ This workshop will be conducted in three sessions of 32 participants each, which be held on March 14, 16 and 17, 2006.
The objectives of the workshop are as follows;
1. To improve the skills of administrative staff at the National Legislature.
2. Impart basic administrative concepts which will enhance personnel’s performance in their assigned task.
3. To enable personnel understand the important role they must play in the overall operation of the National Legislature and instill in them a sense of administrative responsibility.
Expected Outcome
At the end of the workshop it is expected that participants will fully be aware of their duties and responsibilities as administrative staffs in the offices of their respective legislators.
That participants will fully share their common shortcomings facing them as administrators and there by find a way in solving them.